Blog post

Take a Peek Inside Beyond Meat’s New "Manhattan Beach" Innovation Center

July 19, 2018

Today we’re opening the doors to our expansive new innovation campus, dubbed The Manhattan Beach Project–a nod to our location in Los Angeles and the famous Manhattan Project that brought together the greatest minds of the time to pursue a goal whose importance and magnitude cannot be overstated. This research & development center is different from our new production facility in Colombia, Missouri. The innovation facility is where the world’s BEST scientists, engineers, food technologists, chefs and managers have come together to achieve a single goal: build meat directly from plants.

“The use of science and technology to build meat directly from plants, coupled with a commitment to all natural and non-GMO ingredients, is the core of our company. At Beyond Meat, we strive to understand meat at new levels, and then rebuild it using amino acids, lipids and minerals from plants. What the animal has done throughout history—organize plant material in the form of muscle or meat—we believe we can do more efficiently to the benefit of human health, environment and animal welfare,” – Ethan Brown, Beyond Meat CEO and founder.

This historic opening marks an important milestone as we work to feed a growing global population by perfectly building meat from plants

Take a peek!


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